The second online training “Early School Leaving Phenomenon: How to become ambassadors of change to prevent and address ESL. INTERVENTION” took place on the 4-6th of May with active participation of 15 professionals from the project countries working with the Early school leavers from education and training (ELET).
For the purpose of the project, the definition of the EUROSTAT was adapted, defining ELET as young persons aged 18 to 24 who have completed at most lower secondary education and is not involved in further education or training.
The 3-day online training was addressed to the professionals, experts, youth workers, trainers, teachers, psychologists either already dealing with young early school leavers or having little experience to enhance their knowledge and competence to a better use of the project’s results and improve capacity of youth services.

Some of the topics covered by the training included:
– Overview of ESL and ELET constraints
– Assessing competencies of ELET youth by ICT tool – 10 areas of most relevant labour market competencies and feedback report
– Digital education – ICT usage as a way to tackle social inclusion
Training included both theoretical and practical part (homework assignments, work with breakout rooms, Mentimeter, discussions) to learn from each other and get learners actively involved in the learning process. The training brought a lot of fresh perspectives to the current issues, as well as inspired the participants with the content delivered by the speakers. The experience proved to be professionally and personally enriching.

At the end, the participants received EUROPASS certificates to acknowledge successful completion of the training and competencies acquired.