The pilot testing of the beta versions of the MotivateYouth products is coming to the end. Since May 2020, the project organizations were testing the produced tools i.e.
- ICT tool for competence assessment target at ELET aged 18-24 years old – INTERVENTION
- “Journey to your future” online game targeted at 14-18 years old youth – PREVENTION
The aim of the piloting activity was to collect enough data in every country for psychometrical analysis of the tools and further standardization procedures. For this reason, the tools were tested among the ELET group and young pupils (at least 60 representatives per country for each tool) to collect enough input data. In total, more than 500 attempts were made on the tool (ICT tool) and more than 250 students tested the game.
Currently, the data is being analysed, brought to order, structure and meaning. The incomplete values, missing data is being rejected, thus slowly forming the final dataset.

In addition, the Experts Programme Toolkit on the online platform for professionals dealing with ESL/ELET, teachers, career counsellors, psychologist was tested in the project countries. For this, the course materials (Prevention and Intervention of early school leaving phenomenon) were presented and discussed with the experts to get their first-hand feedback and recommendations for any changes. In total, around 40 experts were involved in the process.
The pilot testing is officially completed, however there is still a lot of work ahead of us. Next months will be devoted to standardization, fine-tuning and translation of the products, to release the final, usable versions by the spring 2021.